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  • What bands will be added to next month's Top 250?
    I'll compile all suggested songs and any other songs that I find throughout the month. I'll then whittle them down to the 30+ songs that I think are suitable for YPP.
  • How did you decide on the original Top 250 songs?
    I spent hours searching and listening to many songs, eventually creating a shortlist which ultimately became the Top 250.
  • Do I need to sign up to be able to vote?
    No, signing up is not required with the way this voting system works.
  • Can I edit my vote?
    Yes, absolutely. Click "update vote" at the bottom of the voting page and select your revised choices. You'll need to use the same browser as your original vote for this to work.
  • Can more than one song by a band be featured in the Top 250?
    No, every month will have 250 different bands.
  • Can I downvote songs I don't like?
    At this stage, only love can be given.
  • Are you going to be adding any new features to the website?
    Definitely, there are many new ideas in the works. Check out the Coming Soon page for more info.
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