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The first month on YPP was way more successful than I ever thought it would be. We managed to get thousands of votes resulting in a very competitive Top 10, with the 10 bands above claiming the top spots. All these songs have now been added to the Hall of Fame playlist and removed from the September 250 vote.

Three bands increased to over 50,000 monthly Spotify listeners: Good Terms, Savings and Rematch. They have been added to the Graduates Playlist. A massive achievement and will hopefully be followed by a few more at the end of September.

A bunch of bands increased by over 100% in monthly listeners including Belgravia, who rose by a whopping 2215%!

The 20 bands with the fewest amount of votes were also removed from the September 250 vote. You can view the full results from 1st to 250th on the Results page.


With these removals, it opened up 33 available songs to be added including 28 new bands. I decided to keep 5 of the Top 10 bands in the next vote, just adding in a newer song. The 33 new songs are below and you can listen to them on the September 250.


All Atomic Astronauts - Nothing But The Best

Almost Home - Memories

Almost OK - December Rose

baby tsar - Have You Ever Heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise.

Best Case - So Long Summer

Bookworm Paradise - Golfland Waterslides

Bush League - Custody of Dominick Ladder Match

By The Moon - Cursed

Drastic Park - BACKDOWN

Free Friends - The Ledge

Goalkeeper - Sunshine


Lame Gretzky - Philophobia

Midfield - Southpaw

Millington - Hollywood

Minority 905 - Winter Blues

No Limitations - Break Up For The Kids

Northvale - Better When I Can

Only at the Movies - Bad News

Poor Sport - last call

Relate. - Sludge

Same Side - Backwards

Shotgun Wedding Singer - Disasterpiece Theatre

Sleep Cycles - The Revelry

Stoned Mary - Wasted

Storydrive - Nostalgia

Sunburnt - Built for This

Tailfin - Grey Cloud

The Honesty - 5150

Valid Salad - P.N.C.

Wade Graves - She Loves Me

WALWIN - Stop Living and Don’t Dream

Young Fatigue - You Can’t Defeat the Power of Two Groovy Feet


I also changed 29 of the original songs to newer or better songs from the remaining bands in the September 250.


All songs that were removed from the August 250, 62 in total, have been added to the YPP Archives playlist.

Albums and EPs of 2024 Playlists

I've created 2 new playlists: Albums of 2024 and EPs of 2024. These playlists include all releases in 2024 by any band on the August or September 250. Later this year, I may consider opening up a vote for all these releases to determine the best albums / eps of 2024, voted by you.

Suggest a Song for the October 250

I'm all ears when it comes to recommendations and if you have a song that you think fits the mould of YPP, I'd love to listen to it! You can suggest any song on the website here. I can't guarantee that your suggested song will be included in the October 250 since there are only 30 available spots, but I will 100% give it a listen and decide throughout September.

Get in Touch

If you have any suggestions for the website or would just like to say hello, I'd love to hear from you!

Hi all.

Thanks for being here, it's been a great start to YPP!

The Top 10 is really starting to take shape:

  1. Midfield

  2. Northvale

  3. Goalkeeper


  5. Riverside Drive

  6. Millington

  7. High Press

  8. High Regard

  9. Sucker Punch

  10. Keep Flying

and hot on their heels, the current Top 20

11. Lame Gretzky



14. Young Culture

15. My Cousin's Girlfriends House

16. 5ever

17. Chousand

18. Cliffdiver

19. Gold Steps

20. Mallory Run

Don't forget to checkout the ‘Explore Bands’ page, ordered from least number of listeners to most. When you click on the ‘read more’ section, it brings you to the bands page with a bio and the Youtube video of the song currently featured in the Top250. It’s a pretty cool way to explore those smaller bands, there’s some real gems in there, honestly.

The main feature of the website is the voting system I’ve set up. The idea is that you listen to the playlist (I get it, 250 songs is a lot, 13hrs worth, but you got this!), then vote for your top 10. Have a listen to the playlist and make sure you get your votes in before the 31st….only one week left!!

It’s been a pretty cool start and the foundations have been put in place for this to be a really cool thing moving forward. The playlist is updated each month so there’ll always be new music to feast your ears on. 

Feel free to let me know if you have any comments/ideas or even song suggestions for the Sept 250!




In case you're wondering why I set this up??  I just love finding new music and realise it’s so difficult to find new tunes unless you really start digging deep. I always love sharing new tunes and thought, why not scale it up a bit and get 250 smaller bands in a single playlist! So I did, and it’s evolved to this. I just want to provide a different kind of platform for young bands to grow and fans to find their new fav band. It’s good to remember that this playlist is entirely subjective on my taste and perspective, but I’ve definitely tried to be a bit more open and have considered lots of different pop punk styles within the 250 songs. 

The time has finally arrived! Thanks for being here and welcome to Young Pop Punk!

This is the first of hopefully many blog posts, where I get to unleash all my thoughts on the world. YPP is something that was always just a thought and for it to actually become a reality is pretty mind blowing!

YPP is going to evolve over time, who knows what it will become. For now though, we're focusing on 250 songs by 250 bands. All the songs that you'll find on the Spotify playlist are all there for a reason. They've all been personally picked out by me, because they are in my humble opinion, bangers. It's centred around pop punk, but you'll definitely find some traces of pop punk adjacent genres in there so keep an open mind, chuck the playlist on shuffle and find your new top song.

I've introduced a voting system where you can vote for your top 10 songs. In reality, this it going to be quite difficult to pick 10 songs out of 250. It's 13 hours of music so I doubt many people will actually get through the entire playlist but either way, I'm sure you'll find some bangers in there that you enjoy.

Every month will be a new vote and I'll remove the bottom 20 from the playlist along with the top 10 as well as any bands that increase to over 50,000 monthly listeners. This will keep the playlist refreshed with 30+ new songs coming in to join the 220ish from the previous month. The idea is that it gives all remaining songs a chance to get into the top 10 and move to the YPP Hall of Fame. It also allows listeners a chance to get through the full playlist.

Anyway, thanks for reading and if you have any feedback or comments, definitely let me know. It's an exciting project and I want you to be a part of it.



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