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Results of The August 250

Below is the full results of The August 250.


The Top 10 songs were removed and added to the YPP Hall of Fame and YPP Archives.


The bottom 20 were removed and added to the YPP Archives


Bands who increased to over 50,000 monthly Spotify listeners were added to the YPP Graduates as well as the YPP Archives.


More stats to come on the August 250... stay tuned.

1. Dead Wrong − Straight Through Me

2. Midfield − Out of Time

3. Goalkeeper − Sooner

4. High Regard − Burn Out

5. CHILIØ − aromatherapy

6. Lame Gretzky − Best Year So Far

7. Millington − Welcome Home

8. Northvale− Loose Grip

9. Riverside Drive− Worst Case Ontario

10. STMNTS − I Don’t Even Want To Be Around Anymore

11. Keep Flying − Peace Be The Journey

12. Young Culture − Kinda Over It

13. Eternal Boy − Version of Myself

14. Gold Steps − Empty Space

15. Riley! − Keep Your Cool, Man

16. Cliffdiver − Dayz Gone


18. High Press− Sunshine State

19. Old Neon − Whatever Helps You Sleep At Night

20. Rematch − Take It All Back

21. The Young Hearts − A Charmed Society

22. Bernard Cozy − Run Sweetheart Run

23. 5ever − Anything More

24. Chousand − Saab

25. My Cousin’s Girlfriends House − So Bleak

26. Sucker Punch − All For Nothing

27. SUCKERPUNCH! − Out Of My Mind

28. Homesafe − Permanent Resolution

29. Almost Famous Friends − Let Go

30. Cawston − Quicksand

31. Forever Came Calling − Front Porch Sunrise

32. Keep Warm − Reason

33. Mallory Run − Overgrown

34. Palette Knife − Avatar The Last Cakebender

35. Carpool − Can We Just Get High?

36. Wilmette − Hyperfocused

37. A Swift Farewell − Out In The Storm

38. Brooklane − This Is Our Scene

39. Cleveland Avenue − TELL ME

40. Dad Hats− Claustrophobia

41. Stateside − Since Last Season

42. Super American − Mental Karate

43. TOWNS − L8tely

44. Another One Down − Stuck In The Wake

45. Anthms− Better Parts

46. Arcadia Gray − Kevin Pickles & The Great Pool Noodle Excursion

47. The Bottom Line − Here We Go Again

48. Don’t Panic − The Long Way

49. Fernway − To Be Somewhere Else

50. Good Terms − Hear Me Out

51. Grenade Jumper − Did You Imagine? (feat John Floreani)

52. Heading North− The Mon

53. Honey Creek − Front To Back

54. Last Night Saved My Life − Blue Moon

55. New Junk City − Cleveland

56. Palettes − blood red. (sidewalks)

57. red sun − red SUNFO

58. Alone I Walk − I Have to Try

59. Beauty School − Cowboy Milk

60. Cobra Doug− Mountains, Gandalf!

61. Cordiform − Dreamland

62. Glazed − Cursed

63. inbalanceCA − Vertigo

64. iNTeRNeT FReNDz− Forever

65. Keeper− Restless

66. Kerosene Heights− Michigan Again

67. Kings of the Wild Things − Who the Heck is Maria Menounos (Bombs and Butterflies)

68. New Age Thief − Under Your Wing

69. Northbound − Big Tune (Fuck Off Forever)

70. Right on Kid! − Bad Feeling

71. Savings − How Do You Feel?

72. all in ur head − Hope is Gone

73. Anything is Everything − Headspace

74. Bad Luck. − Wish We Still Talked

75. Bad Nostalgia − Harper

76. The Casper Fight Scene− Young Neil, He Lives Here

77. Daviant − Clear

78. Debris Dance− Villainous

79. Equipment − Hot, Young Doctor

80. Evan Carr − drag me home

81. Glimmers − Back To Hell

82. Hyperview − Rewind/Repeat

83. Incase We Crash− Voice of Your Own

84. Johnny Baseball− Where I Stay

85. latewaves − Frog

86. Loose End− Bad Habits

87. Mascots − Bookmark

88. mirabelle.− All My Friends

89. Never Home − State Line

90. Ninebanks − Interrupted

91. Offset Vision − Dissociate

92. Oldsoul − Crystal

93. Pine Creek Academy − Bad Guy

94. Shower Beers − One More Shot

95. Slackrr − Over & Over

96. Stay Safe − Somehow

97. Sunday Morning − Broken Glass

98. Tiny Stills− Villain

99. Tiny Voices − Minnesota? Wild.

100. Townies − Medicine

101. Unturned − If You Know

102. We Demand Parachutes − American Made

103. A Night in November − We Got This

104. Actor Observer − Fool’s Gold

105. Autoignition − Imaginary Friends

106. Bad Neighbour − And The Fleas

107. Belgravia − The Mourning After

108. BESTIES − racecar

109. Bony Macaroni − Blind Spots

110. Boy Hero − Pretender, Remember

111. Buddy Won’t Tell − Pull The Plug

112. Cinema Stare− Bad

113. Dead Bundy − Ghosting You

114. Eat Your Heart Out− Twenty Something

115. Fake News− Moving On

116. GOLDEN − Impossible

117. The Grievance Club − Marathon

118. Gypsy Road− The 7 Stages Of Grief

119. Halfway Down− Never Coming Back

120. Hometown Losers− Empty Head

121. House Parties − Mid-Life Crisis

122. Keep Your Secrets − trauma.

123. KNIVES FL − Dance Electric

124. Life in Idle− Continuity Errors

125. Liquid Mike − K2

126. Locket − Sonic Bloom

127. Light Grey− Something New

128. MakeWar − Goodbye to All That

129. Memorial Drive − I Guess That’s A Good Thing (Better)

130. Mindless Society − Summer of ‘22

131. My Favorite Liar− Choke

132. New Aesthetic− Spork

133. Notice − This Love

134. Nothing Special − Julia

135. Overthinker − Jcove Friday (Don’t Mind Me)

136. Passionflower− Amor

137. The Rarely Social− the way you decide i should be

138. REDSMITHVII − Self Destruct

139. Regrown − Dashboard

140. Restorations − Field Recordings

141. Rocket Pengwin − Save Me

142. Say it Anyway− Better Place

143. Sidelined − Fame and Misfortune

144. Sophomore Year− COOL KID

145. Still Talk − Headcheck

146. SumNight 38 − Born Too Late (The Good Old Times)

147. Target Heart− Before We Fall Apart

148. Trashed− Insecurities

149. When the Sun Sets − Villain (You Can Hate Me)

150. Years Down − Falling Again

151. You Vandal − Cake

152. Alec Hershey− WISH MAKER

153. All Honesty− Poison

154. alltheprettythings − New Teeth

155. Another Face In The Crowd − You Found Me

156. Autumn Fires − Lost In The Moment

157. Bad New World − in the grey

158. Big Drink − Oceans Apart

159. Bug Heaven− Bother You

160. Chasing the Fall− Shithead

161. Cherubhead− Jail

162. Cut Ties − Sympathy

163. Dance! No thanks − Stereo

164. Dropped Out − Cute Little Sheep

165. FinalBossFight! − Escape From Roku City

166. Flight Patterns − cadence

167. Fly Right− Overtime

168. Fortune Teller − Drop the Act

169. From States Away− Bypass

170. Guardrail − Down At The Bottom

171. happydaze − Left Off

172. High Wire − Out of Reach

173. If I’m Lucky − Deja Vu

174. Jauncey− An Evening Vacant

175. Like Wilde − Talk Loud

176. Lightweights − Runner

177. Neutral Snap − Happy With You

178. Never Sunny− On The Inside

179. Nothing Shameful − Sea Salt

180. Omernac− Allegro

181. Outatime! − Red

182. Penny Circus− Miles Away

183. Pinstock− What’d I Do This Time?

184. Primrose − Bring Loud Is Not A Personaility

185. Protect Your Heart − Keepin’ Us Alive

186. The Real You − All Gas, No Breaks

187. Ritual Club − NTX

188. Royals− Let Me Go

189. Short Fictions − You Will Never Be the Best at Anything You Try (Surely Not)

190. Signals Midwest − Wait For Hours

191. Sleep Braids − Call It Off

192. Sleep In. − Earthworm Jim

193. So-Called − Shipwrecked

194. Sonic Halls − Use Me, Use Me

195. Speaking Terms − Bloom

196. Stay Inside − A Backyard

197. Stone Lions− Party Next Door

198. Somber Hills − I’m Sure You’ve Heard

199. Suck Brick Kid − It’s Okay… Probably

200. Taking Meds − Memory Lane

201. Thursday Marks Fall − Sin Cos and Tan

202. TIDAN− Bad Luck

203. UC − Landline Telephone

204. Waxflower − Undertow

205. Weigh The Anchor − See Through

206. Wnsdy at 7 − This is Goodbye

207. Woke Up Older − Long Way Down

208. The Wrong Signals − Facade

209. Act109− Don’t Drown

210. The Aliso − Meg Ryan In New York

211. All Hype − Redwoods

212. Borderline Natives− On My Own

213. Capture This− Empty

214. Customer Service − Working Hard or Riley Workman?

215. Darcy Baker − North Road

216. Eugene Levy − Beneath a Star Drunk Sky

217. Forever Ends Here − Unspoken

218. Headstrong − Who You Used to Be

219. July Crowd − Happy Ever (Afterthought)

220. lamphead. − Little Brother

221. lolitslea − Call It A Fling

222. Misplaced − Hey Crabman, Hey Earl

223. Only Liars − See You

224. Realwell− Motions

225. Safe at Second − Your Love

226. SEBi!− Endless Summer

227. Stay Nameless− Love Therapy

228. Talk Heavy − The Montreal Screwjob

229. True Alarm− Warning Label (Back to California)

230. Under Currents − Sylvan

231. Broadwing − Same Old Psycle

232. Clay Kickers − Lotus

233. Coastlines− Sound of Summer

234. Eastwood − Prison Planet

235. Hometruths− HATE me

236. Jetski − Vanborghini

237. ladtv − Broken Strings

238. Lawnside− Moving On

239. Life on Standby − STARWOLF (REDUX)

240. Luke Bodine− Backup Plan

241. Motionyear − Down My Spine

242. Nate Flud − Clarity

243. Nights Like Thieves − Sorry

244. Next Attempt − Here’s to All My “Friends”

245. Sick Visor − Tricycle

246. Smile Deadly − smile.

247. Such Luck − Debt Setter

248. Thank You I’m Sorry − When I Come East

249. Via Fiori − Floating Away

250. Years Later − Spinning Out

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